Treats for the Troops!

We again honored our troops overseas by sending them Halloween treats!  Thank you to all that contributed and a Special Thank You to the service men and women that serve and protect us.  We are humbly grateful!
dentistry with a difference
Dentistry with a Difference Team, Dunwoody

Dr Jeff Priluck and Dr Al Nordone
Dr. Jeff Priluck & Dr. Al Nordone, Dunwoody Dentists

Dr. Priluck publishes article in The Atlanta Jewish Times

Dr. Jeffrey Priluck Shares Smile Enhancement Process

| October 17, 2013 
Article from the Atlanta Jewish Times  

Article Link:

Dr. Jeff Priluck
Scientific research has shown that smiling makes one appear more confident, youthful, and successful while reducing stress and boosting your immune system. Smiling is a great way to keep yourself happy, stand out from the crowd and improve your daily life.
So, why are you letting tooth discoloration, old fillings or chipped/misaligned teeth hinder all the rewards a confident smile can bring you?

Dr. Jeffrey Priluck of Dentistry with a Difference in Dunwoody can help you realize all these benefits with his advanced Smile Enhancement Program.   It is a customized procedure to correct tooth size and contour, defective restorations, and unattractive color resulting in a smile rejuvenation.

Dr. Priluck supports The Dunwoody Stage Door Players

Dr. Priluck is proud to serve on the Board of Directors of The Dunwoody Stage Door Players.

Founded in 1974 as a community improvement project of the Dunwoody Woman’s Club, today Stage Door Players is a fully professional theater, recognized as a successful contributor to quality entertainment in metro Atlanta.  We wish them the best of luck as they launch their 40th Anniversary Performance Season!

Visit the Dunwoody Stage Players web site:

Dr. Priluck instrumental in launch of new GA Perimeter College Dental Hygiene Clinic: Dunwoody Crier Article

GPC brings high-tech dental to Dunwoody
Dunwoody resident and dentist, Jeffrey G. Priluck, D.M.D, M.A.G.D, is considered a prestigious practitioner and educator in his field and is a key innovator in the conception of the new clinic.
Dunwoody Crier Online, Kristalyn L. Mumaw | Posted: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:00 am

Georgia Perimeter College (GPC) has an education department that calls the Dunwoody campus “home” and positively impacts the Dunwoody / Perimeter area community: the Dental Hygiene Department.

Georgia Perimeter College’s School of Dental Hygiene is accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association and is the largest in the area. The school has an on-site clinic located exclusively at the Dunwoody campus to facilitate training and community services.

2013 Priluck and Nordone, Dentistry With a Difference Science Scholarship Winner

dental scholarship

Congratulations to Jonathan Olson!  Jonathan is the winner of the 2013 Priluck and Nordone, Dentistry With a Difference Science Scholarship, given yearly to the best science student at Dunwoody High School! 

In addition to his numerous math and science honor achievements, Jonathan helped create Dunwoody High's first ice hockey team and is also a biology tutor. 

We wish every success to Jonathan as he starts college at Northeastern University, and a special Congrats to his proud Mom, Page!

Dr. Nordone honored for volunteer work

Dr Al Nordone dentist

While at a gala for Childspring International Dr. Nordone was shocked and surprised when he was presented with the Dr. Mark Silverman Global Heart Award. This annual award is presented to a physician/dentist who reflects Dr. Silverman's passion, commitment and hope for physical healing. Dr. Nordone was recognized by Childspring for his volunteer work helping children from other countries with limited access to dental care. Childspring is an international children's medical charity.

Announcing our New Imaging Technology

digital xray dental
Dentistry With A DIGITAL Difference is excited to announce that we have recently completed a full office upgrade of our computer system.  Our new digital technology system now includes the latest in digital x-rays.  This new technology includes the ability to greatly lower the radiation levels of dental x-rays, while increasing diagnostics.  This system also allows you to see what we are seeing on the pictures and x-rays we take of your mouth.  We look forward to sharing this new and exciting technology with you on your next visit!

Dentistry with a Difference making a Difference for Children in their Community

dentistry with a difference
Penny accepts award from Dunwoody Police Department
for participation in Toy Drive.

The Dunwoody Police Department conducts an annual toy drive to give disadvantaged children in our community a brighter Christmas.   

We are proud to participate with such a wonderful cause!